FFX HD Remaster - Tweaks Collection (2025)

In January of 2024, I decided to start a new playthrough of FFX HD Remaster and recalled about some of my old ideas of mods/tweaks. I wish such tweaks could be exists as optional settings in "Untitled Project X" (as INI-config), but it is what it is. So as expected I didn't find such mods to be released by someone, so I decided to try to create my own. My first successful try was mod FFX - change stock limit from 99 to 255, which I posted as a separate file. But later I created a few more, so I decided to unite them all together as FFX - Tweaks Collection.

• The Tweaks Collection is created as Cheat Engine, henceforth it will be called CT-table or T.C..
• The CT-table does not change any of game files. It tweaks are only works with game data inside the memory, while your game is running.
• If you are decided to stop using table, then you can close it at any moment and don't run it in future - your game and your save will be completely fine.
• The CT-table contains an internal

LUA-script which is provide features:
(A) can automatically run FFX.exe for you,
(B) can auto-pick game's process for you (do deal with it in future),
(C) can automatically activate all table's memory-scripts (tweaks).

1) Download the file.
2) Copy CT-table into your FFX folder (path to the game can be found inside Steam).

If you would like to run the game from Steam:
• Run Steam version (Launcher > button "FINAL FANTASY X") first.
• Run CT-table after.
• When you will see dialogue window, press [YES] to start LUA-script. It will execute features (B), (C).
3B) If you would like to run the game without Steam:
• Open folder of FFX.
• Run CT-table.
• When you will see dialogue window, press [YES] to start LUA-script. It will execute features (A), (B), (C).


: Each tweak

only has an effect

while it is activated, meaning that related box marked as [X].


: If you are fully restarted the game it is also recommended to restart CT-table as well (close it and re-run).

Starting from v1.05 is added special info row:
"Is T.C. linked with FFX? (Value: "??"=NOT, {number} =YES)"

- If T.C. (table) is linked with FFX, then this row will show ticking number from 0 to 255.
- If T.C. is not linked with FFX, then "??" will be shown instead, so it is

clear sign to restart the table (close & re-open).

TWEAK #1: Game • Change items stock limit from 99 to 255

► video for this tweak is available inside VIDEOS
► also separate file of this tweak is available here:
FILES > Miscellaneous files >
FFX - change items stock limit (only)

Since when FFX was released, I was always curious, why game don't let player to stock 255 pieces of every item? Especially, knowing that game is let player to deal with "255" max stats. Also, as you may know, there are a lot of in-game situations, when you can get +99 pieces in a single moment, and if you had already, for example, 83 pieces of this item, you won't get total 182, after all you will have 99! I always had very mixed feelings about this issue. As we know farming of some items can be big time consumer in FFX.

So eventually I created the tweak, which will change items stock limit from 99 to 255. This feature will be working during your farming or during getting prizes from NPC or mini-games.

Currently this tweak does not allow to buy more than 99 pieces inside any of shops, but you can sell any item, which quantity is more than 99

(this is a known issue and require to do more researches).

IMPORTANT! If you are:
- or deactivated this tweak while your FFX is still running,
- or closed CT-table while your FFX is still running,
- or restarted FFX without restarting CT-table.

Then you can expect of:
1) Item's stock limit will be return to default =99.
2) This means that any item with a quantity greater than 99 will remain high until you change that quantity in some way "+" or "-".
Such trigger-action can be:
• or using item ("+"),
• or getting new pieces during your farming ("+"),
• or selling item ("-").

For example: if some item's quantity was =213 and you got +1 piece, without activated tweak, game will make this quantity =99!
Please pay attention to this moment.

TWEAK #2: Mini-game Lightning Dodger • The dodge streak never stops

► video for this tweak is available inside VIDEOS

To be more specific this tweak will change the mini-game score rule:

from : "you have to do {N} continuous dodges"
to : "you have to do {N} successful dodges (total)"

In other words: even if you will fail to perform continuous dodges, the game will still continue to consider any new dodge as "continuous".

In previous versions it was required to stay in same Thunder Plains area to maximize your temporal counter of dodges. Starting from v1.04, now it is not important if you are left or switched the area, even if you just reloaded from a save file. Now the tweak will be always return

your recent max

of continuous dodges, so without worries you can visit Agency (to check your current score) and return to south/north to continue your steak.

Maybe you would like to use FFX - Big Cheat Engine Table as monitoring tool, which will show your current executedcontinuous dodges in real time:

Big CE Table} > "MINI GAME • Lightning Dodger // Thunder Plains" > "Total dodged continuously"

TWEAK #3: Mini-game Chocobo Catcher • Custom initial score

► video for this tweak is available inside VIDEOS

In vanilla, in order to finish mini-game Chocobo Catcher successfully, you have to make score at least "13 - 1" or "12 - 0" (BALLS - BIRDS), which will give "0:0.0"
This tweak won't touch any of race aspects, except of 4 key score parameters:
{1} Tidus - total collected balls,
{2} Trainer - total collected balls,
{3} Tidus - total hits from birds,
{4} Trainer - total hits from birds.

In text I use their representation as a concatenated string: "


Once the race has started, the game resets all of these parameters to "

0/0/0/0". Now. What if we gave Tidus a little advantage from the very beginning of the race? For example make these to be "3/0/0/0", in other words +3 extra collected balls for Tidus. And instead of making "13 - 1" or "12 - 0", with initial extra

+3 balls

, now player need to achieve only "10 - 1" or "9 - 0", and it will be "0:0.0"!

In my theory, the race should become "a little easier" to allow the player to get through this mini-game much faster and allow the player to focus on something more enjoyable in the game.

The tweak also has an additional row "

(Setting) Initial score preset". It will appear when the tweak is activated. There are options:

preset1 = "3/0/0/0" (default)
preset2 = "4/0/0/0"
preset3 = "30/0/0/30"

Last option "30/0/0/30" of course is cheating. It is "EXIT" button for players who want to win and skip this mini-game entirely. Giving Tidus "+30 collected balls" and for trainer "+30 hits from birds" will make trainer lose, even if he gets to the finish line first.

As an example, effects from `preset1` and `preset3` are shown inside the video "Tweak [3]".

TWEAK #4: Blitzball • Temporary levels boost in Exhibition matches

TLDR: This tweak makes learning new techs to be less chore in the Exhibition matches, with reducing dependence on the level value. In other words success rate of techcopying could be much higher, which will be helpful to "Besaid Aurochs" players with low level

Let's start from taking a closer look at some of the mechanics inside Blitzball. Many encountered the "Level is too low" or "Techcopy failed" messages. IMO, tutorial of Blitzball is not really well explains full details behind process of "Techcopy!", so such messages can be really confusing. Here's what the tutorial is really missing to explain:

During executing "Techcopy!" it is very important what is your player level (YPL) and what is opponent's player level (OPL):
if YPL < OPL, success=20% (fail message: "Level is too low")
if YPL = OPL, success=50% (fail message: "Techcopy failed")
if YPL > OPL, success=100%

BUT: During techcopying "the success rate" and "pressing (X) at the right time" are both affect the final success of learning the marked tech. For example, you can press (X) at the right time, but if a random dice will be > 20%, all your efforts will be wasted.

To make things even more confusing, there is an issue with screen Set Mark. You can see there level of the CPU-player, but there is no info about your player's level. And if you don't remember the player's level, then you don't know which condition is going to be apply during a techcopying (or YPL<OPL, or YPL=OPL, or YPL > OPL), so basically, it will be a blind pick. The only way is to remember all your current levels, or return to the first screen "Positions" each time (to check it level).

Lastly, before I'll describe the issues, let's mention CPU auto-levelling feature. When average "Besaid Aurochs" level becomes approximately 10+, you will notice that CPU-teams begin to receive unexpected boosts for their players (levels and, accordingly, stats will be increased). Also it will be common for the CPU to hire a new player with level=1, and after a few matches "suddenly" the player achieve level=16 (number is an example), with many slots as "- - - - - -". And a few matches later "suddenly" the player get wide range of techniques learned.
By such auto-tuning, the game is trying to bring competitive and challenging Blitzball matches, during "Besaid Aurochs" progression. Also another part of auto-tuning will be mentioned below.

Just an example, often when I play Blitzball, Brother in a role of Middle Forward (M.F.) does a lot of important work during the match (offensive and defensive), and naturally his experience (=level) starts to increase rapidly. The rest part of team stay in a shadow with poor levelling. And I'm trying really hard to levelling them as well (passes/defense moves), but they are still slow. The game soon starts to notice that "Besaid Aurochs" average level is increasing (thanks to Brother's progression), so after that it tries to auto-tune levels of CPU teams as well.

Let's imagine Brother level is become 22. Definitely his personal "Techcopy!" will be successful. But what about the rest of the team? What if one of my low-levels is still left at level=11 and tries to make "Techcopy" from CPU-player with level=17? Due to the condition "11 < 17", the probability will be only 20% and therefore the message "Level is too low" probably will appear often for him.
This example shows how easily things can turn upside down, making farming new techs for low levels members to become a true nightmare!

I decided not to touch the League/Tournament matches, but to do something with Exhibition matches.

Only during the Exhibition matches

all participating "Besaid Aurochs" players will receive


boost +10 levels (their stats will be also


increased due to these levels).

Outside the match, all their original levels and stats are still remain untouched

. This way, any member of your team who is left far behind the average, now will have a very good opportunity to learn new techs (even key techs!). With this tweak, for our example the condition "11 < 17" will become as "21 > 17", and therefore the success rate of "Techcopy" will be changed from 20% to 100%. The only obstacle will be to make "Techcopy!" just in time, so failure here is still possible even with 100%.

TWEAK #5: Blitzball • Shorter League (5 rounds instead of 10)

For example, I'm a person who likes to play Blitzball, but I think a League with 10 rounds is a bit too much. Also let's keep in mind that Tournament is only 2-3 matches, so I would say for League 5-6 matches (rounds) could be just enough. Additionally, this can save a lot of time for some players who play Blitzball just to get stuff for Wakka.

The effect from activated tweak is pretty simple, when you are entering League on 5th round, script will auto switch it to 10th (final). Thus

5 extra rounds will be skipped

. I was thinking between 5 or 6 rounds, but eventually decided to stay at scheme "5 rounds".

FIX #1: Blitzball • auto-learning: Nimrook/Mep - "Anti-Drain", Zalitz - "Anti-Venom"

NOTICE: This is an semi-experimental tweak. In general I can tell that it is working as intended

People who often play Blitzball, probably familiar with a small problem. If player will hire low-level Nimrook or Mep (<30 lvl) soon will find out that it is impossible to learn their key technique Anti-Drain (which is put limitation for learning other new techs). Players like BIGGS, GIERA GUADO, MIYU, ZAMZI RONSO knows this tech, but they never use it, so "Techcopy" won't help here. Also if I'm not mistaken Anti-Drain

(not like Anti-Drain2) is never appear as a prize for a League or Tournament.

To solve this issue, some people just let CPU to hire/keep these both and auto-train them. Thus, Nimrook or Mep will automatically receive Anti-Drain when they are close to level 30. Then the players try to find a moment to hire them.

Activated FIX [1] will set:
Anti-Drain as learned tech for both Nimrook and Mep, no matter what their current level will be (even at level=1). So player can hire any of these without any worries, even starting from their low-levels.
Anti-Venom as learned tech for Zalitz, due to the complexity of getting this tech and developing this character.


If you like Tweaks Collection be

sure to like and endorse! Thanks.
Have fun :)

FFX HD Remaster - Big Cheat Engine Table
FFX HD Remaster - Tidus (Face mix) 2k texture

FFX HD Remaster - Tweaks Collection (2025)


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.